Xmas is Hypocritical Madness 4

Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree, 1997
© Michael Landy
Image from www.tate.org.uk

We went to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre today to get the last few things from the list of stuff to bring to Brazil. The shopping centre was full of people although it wasn’t difficult to find a place to park. Afterwards we went to the supermarket and as we left we passed in front of a fruit shop where they sell natural Christmas trees, as a matter of fact, they were cuts off the top of the trees. That scene made me feel disgusted and that place looked like a grave yard full of dead bodies. I don’t like all this uncontrollable consumerism brought by this “special date” at all. Everything increases during this season, it is the time when sad people get sadder, mad people go madder, and unfortunately it is the time when I get more disappointed with people’s hypocrisy.

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4 thoughts on “Xmas is Hypocritical Madness

  • Monica

    Leslie conheço pais separados que não pagam a pensão dos próprios filhos e não estão nem aí para eles, mas qdo chega o Natal, correm para levar presentes para crianças carentes e choram emocionados, para vc ver o que faz a vaidade e o ego qdo a pessoa quer aparecer dando uma de Madre Teresa.

  • Leslie

    ahahahah! acho mesmo o natal hipócrita. a época maIS FALSA E FINGIDA DO ANO.AQUELE POVO QUE NÃO FEZ NADA O ANO TODO, CHEGA NESTA ÉPOCA COMEÇAM A QUERER AJUDAR O MUNDO, adota cartinha de criança nos correios,que coisa mais hipócrita. ah, to fora! que besteirada!rsss! queria era viajar pra algum lugar onde ninguém comemorasse essa bobagem.