Stuck in Charles De Gaulle Airport for 12 hours 1

The flight Dublin-Paris has been delayed by 1 hour and finally when we arrived in Paris the flight to Sao Paolo had already gone, as a result, here we are waiting for the next flight which will depart at 11pm. It seems we will have to waste one day just waiting here in the airport, thanks to Air France who kindly gave us 3 tokens to be spent on 3 sandwiches and 3 soft drinks in the next 12 hours, there are 3 of us, don’t you think we are lucky that we are not that hungry? When we get proper Internet connection, not an unsecured and dear Wi-Fi connection at the airport, we will research the requirement on airlines to provide services to passengers when flights are delayed. The Brazilians complain about the airport chaos in Brazil, this situation we are going through at the moment, just shows that delays happen everywhere.

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One thought on “Stuck in Charles De Gaulle Airport for 12 hours

  • Leslie

    tive uma vez que ficar 6 horas no aeroporto da áfrica do sul, johannesburg, tava chovendo e os vôos para maputo,moçambique, bem ao lado não podiam decolar.era coisa tipo ponte aérea, bem rápida foi um saco!rsss! o pior foi entrar no banheiro e dar de cara com uma alemã tomando banho, nua, na pia! ela molhava um lenço na torneira e passava pelo corpo.lavava numa boa, todas as “partes”, e ainda ria. e o pior é que haviam chuveiros no banheiro, com cabines privativas e tudo.e ela não usou.a visão daquela mulher pelada foi traumatizante. acho que ela nunca havia se depilado na vida!kkkkk!
    ah, tá chovendo por aqui…